WildFlower Play Collective
Membership Agreement and Waiver

This Membership Agreement ("Agreement") is between WildFlower Play Collective ("WildFlower Play Collective") and the undersigned member. By filling out this document, I am taking on the responsibility of being the Primary Member for my Family Membership registering for programs at WildFlower Play Collective and I agree to follow all policies and procedures of the facility. I understand the risks and benefits of physical activity and confirm that all participating family members are in condition to play.

We highlight the following portion of our Member Agreements to ensure we have communicated these specific elements well. By checking these boxes you agree to all the statements as written.

  • I agree to supervise the children in my care at all times while at WildFlower Play Collective.
  • I understand that I must use my key fob each time I come into the space, only share my key card/fob with caregivers of my child and NEVER let anyone inside WildFlower Play Collective unless they are my guest.
  • I understand that WildFlower Play Collective is an unstaffed space and that, as a member, I share responsibility for keeping the space clean and ready to use.
  • I agree to read and follow the guidelines of the Swap Room.
  • I agree that I, the children in my care, nor my children’s caregivers will not be knowingly ill with a contagious illness when attending WildFlower Play Collective.
  • I agree to sign up for one playspace cleaning task per month.

Membership Agreement

1.1 Membership Agreement
The membership is a family membership and entitles members and their children to use the facilities consistent with its policies and procedures, for the length of membership. This fee also includes entry for authorized caregivers who expressly agree to abide by our policies and procedures. It is the responsibility of the Primary Member to share their membership entrance key fob with caregivers and it is the responsibility of the Primary Member to educate caregivers of policies and procedures. The membership also includes children in your care limited to no more than 3 additional children. Caregivers must be 18 or over.

All memberships to WildFlower Play Collective allow use of the indoor (and outdoor when applicable) play space during business hours. All other services will be charged at the time of registration or booking. All memberships are non-voting and non-proprietary. We encourage membership and full enjoyment of our facilities by all people – we will not discriminate in the granting or revocation of membership on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, disability, or national origin.

1.2 Membership Term
The Monthly Membership contract is set to automatically renew for subsequent months with payment due on the same day of the month that membership originated. Memberships started in the middle of the month will be prorated from the date of joining. No changes will be made to the price of the membership by WildFlower Play Collective without written notification to the Primary Member. During periods of construction, repair efforts, maintenance and special events, WildFlower Play Collective reserves the right to close, limit or restrict the use of its facilities in whole or part in its sole discretion.

1.3 Membership Fees
WildFlower Play Collective offers a sliding scale membership fee. We require that you determine your own place on the scale based on usage, family size, and income. The fee for the Monthly Family Membership is $25-$55 per month, the $25 signup fees cover our administrative time. Members are encouraged to pay using the automatic debit system, but WildFlower Play Collective will accept payment using online payment with a valid card, check, or cash. We will offer several work-trades for membership, and free and reduced cost memberships for families on Oregon Health Plan. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event of closure of the entire facility for any reason including and without limitation construction, repair or maintenance for a period exceeding one (1) month, prorated credit will be given such that the membership will be extended for the period of the needed closure.

1.4 Registration Fee
There is a Registration Fee of $25 to cover administrative costs and two key cards/fobs. If membership lapses for more than 1 month or is terminated, the member will be responsible to pay the registration fee again should they choose to reinstate their membership.

1.5 Late Fees
Payment is due on the 1st of each month. A $10 late fee will be charged for payment received up to 10 days past the due date. After 10 days of non-payment, the Monthly Family Membership will lapse and member access will be terminated for that month. If membership lapses for 1 month, the member will be responsible to pay the registration fee of $25 to reinstate their membership.

1.6 Returned Check Policy
A $25 fee will be charged for each check returned for insufficient funds.

1.7 Change of Information
The Member shall promptly notify WildFlower Play Collective of any change in address, telephone number, billing information, medical information, authorized caregiver information, or emergency contact information. Change of information shall be completed using WildFlower Play Collective’s member account on our website.

1.8 Rules & Regulations
The Member agrees to abide by all WildFlower Play Collective rules and regulations (see "Rules & Regulations” below). The Rules & Regulations are posted at WildFlower Play Collective and may be amended at WildFlower Play Collective’s discretion. On all questions regarding the interpretation of the Rules & Regulations, the decision of WildFlower Play Collective shall be final. WildFlower Play Collective reserves the right to suspend membership privileges for violation of any rule or regulation.

1.9 Revocation of Membership
At the discretion of WildFlower Play Collective, membership may be revoked at any time, or extension of membership may be denied, if in the sole discretion of WildFlower Play Collective, the Member consistently has failed to observe the Rules & Regulations or has otherwise behaved in a manner contrary to the best interest of WildFlower Play Collective or its members.

  • I have read and agree to all of the Membership Agreements 

WildFlower Waiver

2.1 Risk of Illness or Injury
The Member is aware of the risk of illness or injury inherent in any program. The Member and his/her child is participating in WildFlower Play Collective’s programs upon the express understanding that the Member hereby indemnify, waive, and release WildFlower Play Collective, its employees, agents and officers from any and all claims, liabilities, expenses or judgments, including attorneys' fees and court costs (hereinafter "Claims") resulting from any of the following: (a) the Member's or child's participation in a program or any illness or injury resulting there from; (b) exposure of the Member or the Member's child to any illness or disease while on WildFlower Play Collective's premises; or (c) any injury or damage to the person or property of the Member or the Member's child while on WildFlower Play Collective's premises; or (d) any injury or damage to the person or property of the Member or Member’s child due to usage of items obtained from the Swapping Room. The Member further represents that neither they nor their child will be ill when coming to WildFlower Play Collective and the child will not, to the best of the Member's knowledge, have been exposed to any contagious disease.

2.2 Member Responsibilities
The Member assumes full responsibility for himself/herself and anyone who becomes a Member under this Agreement, including the Member's children, authorized caregivers or guests and shall indemnify WildFlower Play Collective, its employees, agents and officers against any and all liability incurred by any act of the Member, child, guest, or authorized caregiver. The Member agrees that he/she or their authorized caregiver shall remain on the WildFlower Play Collective premises directly supervising their children at all times.

  • I have read and agree to all of the Waiver, Release & Indemnity



Rules and Regulations

The following rules and regulations apply to all WildFlower Play Collective’s facilities and may be amended at the discretion of WildFlower Play Collective’s management. On all questions regarding the interpretation of rules and regulations, the decision of WildFlower Play Collective shall be final. WildFlower Play Collective reserves the right to suspend membership privileges for violation of any rule or regulation.

In order to be concise we refer to all adult members, parents, legal guardians, babysitters, nannies etc as Caregivers. Whenever Caregiver is used, understand it refers to you as well as anyone caring for your child(ren) while at WildFlower Play Collective. It is the responsibility of the Primary Member (reading and filling out this document) to inform all Caregivers of the Rules and Regulations.

  1. Indoor and Outdoor Playground Policies. WildFlower Play Collective Indoor (and later Outdoor) Playground is offered throughout the day for children aged 6 years and younger. Older siblings are welcome. However, if the older child is unable to use the space in accordance with what is appropriate for our 6 years-and-younger-based facility specifically by impacting our smaller members ability to play in the space safely. The older child will be expected/asked to leave the play space. Children using the Indoor or Outdoor Playground must be accompanied by their Caregiver at all times. For your child's safety, no food is permitted in the play areas other than the eating area and outdoor playground and special events. Adults may bring beverages into the play space, children may have water. Shoes of any kind are prohibited in the indoor space and shoes must be stored on the cubby shelves. We suggest that all Caregivers and children wear socks to the facility; however, we do not require them.
  2. Personal Conduct. WildFlower Play Collective is a positive speak, positive discipline space. All Caregivers, their children, and their caretakers shall conduct themselves in ways that do not threaten the health, well-being, and full enjoyment of membership benefits to other Caregivers and children. WildFlower Play Collective reserves the right to remove any Caregiver from WildFlower Play Collective for conduct which is judged to be detrimental to the welfare of other Caregivers. This includes the right to refuse a child's participation in any class, program, or service due to the child's behavior. If you find yourself uncomfortable with the play or engagement of other’s children, you must first communicate with the Caregivers of the children involved. A simple statement like, “I am uncomfortable with this type of play” is encouraged. Caregivers must adjust their behavior and that of the children in their care to the comfort level of those in the space. Yelling by Caregivers is prohibited except in the case of a crisis. Hitting and spanking are prohibited.
  3. Self Monitoring. At WildFlower Play Collective we rely on Caregivers to follow and enforce our rules and regulations as outlined here and in the Member handbook. If you should see a Caregiver using the space in such a way that is not in alignment with our rules and regulations, you can politely remind that Caregiver of the specific rules and regulations. A simple, “little reminder, food must remain in the kitchen or cafe area.” If you observe someone who is unwilling to alter their behavior, we ask that you report the issue to staff.
  4. Illness Policy. WildFlower Play Collective is a well family space. In consideration of other Caregivers and children, please keep sick family members at home. Children and adults with fevers, rashes, vomiting, or any communicable diseases are not allowed at WildFlower Play Collective. Families should not return after illness until they have been free of fever, vomiting and/or diarrhea for at least 24 hours without fever suppressing medicines. WildFlower Play Collective reserves the right to send families home to get well. If your child has allergies, please alert a WildFlower Play Collective staff member and include this information in your family’s medical sheet. WildFlower Play Collective does not have a medical staff available and is not permitted to provide emergency or other medical treatment. A forehead thermometer is provided in the first aid kit should you need to check your child’s temperature while at the playspace.
  5. COVID-19 Policy. WildFlower Play Collective and its Members agree to abide by all current federal, state, and local guidelines related to COVID-19 masking, testing, and quarantine. An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present. COVID-19 is an extremely contagious disease that can lead to severe illness and death. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, senior citizens and individuals with underlying medical conditions are especially vulnerable. We cannot guarantee you will not be exposed during your visit. By visiting WildFlower Play Collective, you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19.
  6. Hygiene Policy. WildFlower Play Collective is a sanitary space. All Caregivers and children are required to wash or sanitize their hands upon entering, after eating, after diaper changing, and after using the toilet. We also suggest hand washing or sanitizing prior to eating for your own health. All items that have been in the mouth must be placed in a dirty toy bin immediately upon being discarded by a child. All diapers must be packed out (there is an outside garbage available as well.)
  7. Supervision Policy. At WildFlower Play Collective Caregivers are required to know where the children in their care are at all times. If a Caregiver needs to step away from their child(ren) to a room they cannot hear/see their child(ren) from (bathroom,art room, etc.), Caregivers must seek another Caregiver to supervise while they are away. Caregivers must not allow the children in their care to play in a room the child(ren) does not have the skills to play in in a safe, respectful and appropriate manner. If a child is showing ongoing aggression (more than once), Caregivers must shadow that child until the child has outgrown this phase. Aggression includes directly striking another child as well as being malicious, antagonizing or harming others. If you see a child needing attention please alert their Caregiver rather than speaking to the child in order to give the Caregiver a chance to correct the situation. However, in the case of the safety of the child or that of others, Caregivers should speak directly to the child and follow up with their Caregiver. If a Caregiver should observe the play of a child(ren) becoming too loud or active for the space, we suggest sending the child to check in with their Caregiver while the witness also goes to speak with that Caregiver.
  8. Room Policies. All Caregivers are required to read and strictly abide by each room’s policy prior to entering each room. WildFlower Play Collective reserves the right to update any of these room policies at any time. Caregivers are responsible for updating themselves on room policy changes. WildFlower Play Collective will provide photos of how each area and room should be re-set to for cleanup.
  9. Cleanup Policy. At WildFlower Play Collective, we clean as we go and go as we clean. Caregivers are required to clean up and reset each zone or room the children under their care have used, resetting it back to what is pictured in the provided photos. Caregivers and children are encouraged to clean up as they go through the play space. We suggest cleaning up an area or room before moving into another area. Items generally should not leave a room because they could pose a safety hazard to smaller members. Caregivers are responsible for cleaning up any spills in the space to the best of their ability. If a Caregiver is unable to clean something completely they are responsible for reporting it to staff.
  10. Smoking Policy. WildFlower Play Collective is a healthy space for families. Smoking of any substance, including an e-cigarette, vaporizer, or inhaler, is prohibited on the property of WildFlower Play Collective. There are no smoking areas provided on the property.
  11. Weapon and Drug Policy. WildFlower Play Collective is a weapon and drug free space. Weapons of any kind are prohibited at the playspace. Drug use other than prescription or over the counter drug use is not permitted. Please use discretion about the use of prescription medications in front of children. Please note that alcohol use is not allowed on the premises.
  12. Check-In Procedures. Each family is given two key cards or fobs to enter the building. The keys are not to be shared outside of the primary member and their Caregivers. Entering your key card/fob checks you into the playspace. Caregivers are to enter in on their own, each entering their own fob at the door (this means shutting the door after you enter so the next family can check-in with their key).
  13. Stroller Policies. Due to fire safety regulations, WildFlower Play Collective requires strollers to be stored in the stroller parking area.
  14. Cancellations. WildFlower Play Collective reserves the right to cancel programs that are under-enrolled and Caregivers will be refunded any fees in full. WildFlower Play Collective also reserves the right to modify classes and faculty, as necessary. In the case of inclement weather, WildFlower Play Collective may delay opening. WildFlower Play Collective will post relevant announcements on our social media group page.
  15. Guests. WildFlower Play Collective welcomes out of town guests and first-time non-members as guests. Guests must sign-in and sign a waiver for WildFlower Play Collective. By entering, guests agree to follow the rules of WildFlower.

    WildFlower Play Collective reserves the right to refuse entrance to any guest and to ask any guest to leave the premises with due cause, which shall not be based upon race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, disability, or national origin.

  16. Animals. To help provide a safe environment, it is not permitted for any Caregiver to bring animals to WildFlower Play Collective or leave animals in their cars, or outside the building.
  17. Personal Belongings. Any personal belongings brought to WildFlower Play Collective are at the Caregivers' own risk. WildFlower Play Collective accepts no liability for loss or damage to such property. This includes, but is not limited to, any property left on the premises. Any property left on the premises will be retained in our Lost & Found bin for thirty (30) days. After this time, the property will be donated or disposed of.
  18. Electronic Device Policy. Please do not allow the use of electronic devices to detract from your ability to directly supervise your child. WildFlower Play Collective requires that electronic devices be turned to silent or vibrating mode during your visit. Please speak in a low voice when using your cell phone. WildFlower Play Collective is a video and video game free space for families.
  19. Food and Drink. Caregivers are welcome to bring food to WildFlower Play Collective to consume in the eating area only. WildFlower Play Collective is conscious of food allergies and does not allow nuts to be eaten on premises. Caregivers are required to remove food from, and wipe tables and sweep floor crumbs as soon as the child has left the dining area.
  20. Hours. WildFlower Play Collective hours are 7:00 am to 7:00 pm, Sunday through Sunday.

    If you have been playing at WildFlower for two hours or more and the space becomes crowded we ask that you consider allowing other members to share enjoyment of the space by coming back another time.

  21. Alterations to Rules & Regulations. WildFlower Play Collective reserves the right to make changes to these rules and regulations at any time.
  22. Swapping. The Swapping Rooms are the only place items are available for swapping. Nothing in the playspace is available to take home or borrow other than what is in the Swapping Room. Caregivers are required to read and follow the stated Swapping Rooms Policies prior to participating in the swapping portion of their membership. If a member finds an item in the Swap Room with WF written on it please return it to its proper place.
  23. Disclaimer of Liability. WildFlower Play Collective is not liable for any harm or loss to persons or property. Any protection exercised or offered by WildFlower Play Collective shall be deemed purely gratuitous on its part and shall in no way be construed to make it liable for any loss or inconvenience suffered by the Caregiver or child or guests of members. WildFlower Play Collective is not responsible in any circumstances for indirect, consequential or punitive damages.

By registering for Membership at WildFlower Play Collective, I acknowledge that I have carefully read this agreement and understand all of its terms, policies and procedures, releases, waivers and indemnification of the facility. Non-compliance with WildFlower Play Collective's policies and procedures may result in termination of membership. WildFlower Play Collective has the right to update policies at any time. Please see www.wildflowerplaycollective.org for current information.

I have carefully read this Agreement, waiver, release and indemnity and fully understand its contents. I also have read, understand, agree to abide by and be bound by all rules and regulations. I understand and agree that any person who is a party to this Agreement will also be a party to this waiver. I acknowledge and understand that by this Agreement, I agree to assume all risks of bringing my child to WildFlower Play Collective and that in the event of my child's illness or injury I have no recourse against WildFlower Play Collective, its employees, agents and officers.

  • I have read and agree to all of the Rules and Regulations
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